Wednesday 17 October 2018

5 Basic Skills that Informatics Engineering Students Must Have

5 Basic Skills that Informatics Engineering Students Must Have

In the last few years, Informatics Engineering has become one of the favorite subjects of many people. On the basis of bright career guarantees in the future, Informatics Engineering managed to make many people compete to learn about computer science and programming languages.
But wait a minute, if you are one of the people who are interested in entering this department it's good to listen first about what basic skills you must have. Let me not be surprised and can prepare from a long time ago, here are the 5 basic skills that Informatics Engineering students must have!

1. Logic

5 Skill Dasar yang Harus Dimiliki Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika
In this department we will be faced with various programming languages. Although it has differences in terms of model and writing, actually all programming languages ​​have one main key, namely, logic.
We need a mastery of logic or a systematic mindset. Armed with this ability guaranteed you will easily understand and follow the lessons.

2. Creativity

5 Skill Dasar yang Harus Dimiliki Mahasiswa Teknik InformatikaInformatics engineering is not only about coding and programming languages, because behind all that we are required to be able to design a program that requires an attractive appearance. If you are lucky to have good logic and creativity, then you will be greatly helped during the lecture process.

3. Accuracy

5 Skill Dasar yang Harus Dimiliki Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika
Getting into the world of programming is a challenging decision, because you will be faced with a series of codes in many programming languages ​​that are very many. Therefore, you don't want to have to sharpen your carefulness in working on projects, such as writing carefully every letter and punctuation that has its own meaning.
But you don't need to be afraid, because all complaints and fatigue will pay off with satisfaction and pride if the program can run smoothly later.

4. Perseverance

5 Skill Dasar yang Harus Dimiliki Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika
Well, this is still related to the previous point. After you write carefully and carefully, you will occasionally make mistakes.
Of the many codes that exist you must be willing to struggle to find out where the error is from the program. You should practice being patient and not giving up easily if you take this course in the world of lectures.

5. Teamwork

5 Skill Dasar yang Harus Dimiliki Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika
The last thing that will really help your learning process while in this department is the ability to socialize and establish cooperation. Because usually a project will be shared with several people in one team. Now to be able to finish it all you have to be able to know how the character of the team members, so that later can help each other and fill each other's shortcomings.

Well, something beautiful will not be obtained instantly and easily. There must be grief and sacrifice to get it. If from the five points above you think about what you have done? If it's still a little or not at all, don't despair and keep on encouraging